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Website Manager

Sue Van Etten

Sue Van Etten
Website Manager

We want to hear from you. Really. Our mission is helping teachers. Please let us know how we're doing. What do you find useful on the site? What improvements would you suggest? Can you recommend some useful teacher resources that we should list on the site? Having technical problems with the site? Have suggestions for the next revision of the textbooks? We want to hear it all.

To submit classroom materials

To submit materials you would like to share with fellow teachers in the Classroom Materials section, go to the Classroom Materials Submission page.

For information on ordering products

Contact Pearson Education for information on ordering any Azar-Hagen Grammar Series product. Some useful links:

In the United States:

Find your U.S. sales rep.

Pearson's 2015 ELT Catalog

Product Information and Sample Units


Outside the United States:

Find your local Pearson Education Office or Longman distributor